✨🎨A R T🎨✨

well, to be honest, my art is largely for my own enjoyment and I'm not the best at anatomy but I think I've at least gotten to the point where I can look at my work and be proud of it, even if I know it's not the best, but visual art is weird in that there's this expectation that if you're nothing short of perfect, it's not worth showing and fuck it, I want to destroy that mentality

My art!!

A self-portrait. This is my roller derby set-up, though the helmet is now outdated. I had to get a new one and start my stickering over 😔
Kanji Tatsumi from Persona 4. He has been my comfort character this year. I wanted my player character to date him so bad, but alas, this mainstream JRPG from 2008 is homophobic.
Here is Kanji again, frantically reevaluating all of his life choices.
My oc, Emi. A perfectly regular and well-adjusted girl with no special powers.
Leah, from no particular source of terrible YA media whatsoever.